Next First Saturday Walk in East Haven December 3, 10 am –

November 12, 2011

DC MOORE SCHOOL TRAIL TO FARM RIVER STATE PARK  Shoreline Greenway TrailHike picturesque woods to an overview of the Bradford Preserve tidal wetlands, site of future boardwalk, then along SGT Trail into Farm River State Park, peaceful & pristine. 1.5 miles, 1½ hours.  Directions: Exit 54, I95 South, left off ramp to Route 1 (No. Main St), Right onto Rt.1 and pass under RR bridge, turn left onto Route 142, follow thru Short Beach. Cross Farm River, 4th left onto Mansfield Grove. 2nd right onto  Hoop Pole Rd to School.  Meet in second parking lot on left, just past the school.