Ready to Rock on Earth Day 2016?

January 11, 2016
After the Rock to Rock Earth Day Ride on April 25, Shoreline Team members Farhan Soomro and his son Saami relax with Board member Glenn Gaffield and Anna Heinzel.

The 18-member Shoreline Greenway Trail team in the 2015 Rock to Rock event included Farhan Soomro and his son Saami, SGT Board member Glenn Gaffield and Anna Heinzel.

Shoreline Greenway Trail is forming its team for the 2016 Rock to Rock Earth Day Bicycle Ride, scheduled for Saturday, April 30 in New Haven. Our 18-member team raised nearly $8,000 for the trail last year and contributed significantly to the $186,000 the event generated in total for 26 local environmental organizations. There will again be courses for riders of all kinds and ages: eight-mile (police-escorted family ride), 12 mile, 20 mile, 40 mile to a 62-mile metric century for distance riders. Join our team and help raise funds for the trail! Registration is open! Visit and sign up as a member of the Shoreline Greenway Trail team; donations from your sponsors will directly benefit the trail. Contact Anna, Kristen or Greg if you’d like more information.

Relaxing after their rides for Rock to Rock, our Shoreline Greenway Trail Team: Chip Angle, Carol Grave, Chelsea Anderson, Bruce & Pam Simonds, Rick Anderson with volunteer Milton Charlton

Relaxing at the finish line of the 2015 Rock to Rock ride were Shoreline Greenway Trail’s Chip Angle, Carol Grave, Chelsea Anderson, Bruce and Pam Simonds, Rick Anderson and Milton Charlton.