Shoreline Greenway Trail (SGT) is a nonprofit organization working with local communities and other partners to build a trail and connect communities from New Haven to Madison, improving bike and pedestrian accessibility between and within those towns.
Nearly all of our more than 3,000 members, supporters and volunteers live and/or work on the Shoreline.
Working with the Community
SGT consists of four town teams—one each in Madison, Guilford, Branford and East Haven—and we collaborate with other towns and advocacy groups in the interest of a more bike- and pedestrian-friendly Shoreline.
Each town team works closely with town governments and residents as they develop and implement solutions that are right for that community—providing expertise, perspective and advocacy; serving as a nonprofit conduit for funding; and helping design alternative-transportation networks that encompass greenway trails, bike lanes, sidewalks, shared lane markings, traffic-calming and other measures as appropriate for the town.
SGT’s working Board of Directors includes members of each town team plus at-large members. The board sets overall strategy and coordinates the town teams’ efforts under a long-term vision of an interconnected Shoreline from New Haven to the Connecticut River.
Be Part of a Better Way