At its core, the Shoreline Greenway Trail is about balancing transportation and reducing our dependence on motorized vehicles—making it easier, safer and more enjoyable for people to travel actively to the places they want to go. This is why we’re working with communities to build a trail and enhance connections among neighborhoods, parks, schools, community and recreation centers, downtowns and other business districts, transit stops and tourist destinations, as well as to other cities and towns.
Whether within a single community, across town lines or from New Haven to its suburbs—whether with greenway trail or a network of bike lanes and shared roadways—the more connections we make, the more opportunities people have to get where they’re going without cars.
People will get more exercise and become more healthy. They’ll connect with nature, use less gas and create less pollution. They’ll spend more money at local businesses. In places with good bike and pedestrian facilities, property values rise, tourism increases, businesses grow, jobs are created, and communities become ever more vibrant and livable.