Directors &
Our Partners
Shoreline Greenway Trail couldn’t succeed without the support of its many partners—governments, schools, civic groups, foundations, businesses, bike/ped advocates, and other trail and environmental organizations.
We’re deeply appreciative of the positive working relationships we have with the municipal governments of the four towns in our project area, whose efforts to improve bike/ped safety, access and connectivity we see it as our mission to support:
Town of East Haven
Town of Branford
Town of Guilford
Town of Madison
With the City of New Haven and a growing relationship, Engineer Giovanni Zinn is working with SGT to extend the trail into New Haven.

Listed below are some of the many partners with which we’ve collaborated and continue to work to build and expand the trail as part of a bike and pedestrian network throughout the shoreline region:

The Guilford Police Department partners with SGT to hold bike-safety rodeos
The Bike/Pedestrian Alliance of Clinton is collaborating with SGT to extend the trail eastward
SGT partners with Elm City Cyclists and the International Festival of Arts and Ideas for midsummer rides
Bike & Pedestrian Alliance of Clinton
Bike/Walk Madison
Branford Scouts Troop 428
Branford Land Trust
Clean Up East Haven
Community Volunteers United
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Connecticut Department of Transportation
Connecticut Trail Census
East Haven Scouts Troop 401
East Haven Chamber of Commerce
East Haven Community Television
East Haven Family Resource Center
East Haven Garden Club
East Haven Public Schools
East Haven Rotary Club
Elm City Cycling
Farm River State Park
Friends of Hammonasset
The Garden Club of Madison
Greater New Haven Community Fund
Greater New Haven Green Fund
Guilford Troop 471
Guilford Police Department
Hammonasset Beach State Park
International Festival of Arts and Ideas
James Blackstone Memorial Library
Lighthouse Point Park
Long Island Sound License Plate Fund
Madison Art Society
Madison Troop 491
Madison Jaycees
Madison Newcomers Club
Madison Women’s Club
National Park Service
National Rails to Trails Conservancy
New Haven Coalition for Active Transportation
One World Coffee Roasters
Pine Orchard Association
ProBono Partnership
Rock to Rock Earth Day Ride
Shoreline Chamber of Commerce
Shore Line Trolley Museum
South Central Regional Council of Governments
Stony Creek Brewery
St. Vincent dePaul School
Timber & Stone, LLC
Urban Resources Initiative
University of Connecticut Department of Extension
U.S. Department of Transportation
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
Zane’s Cycles
Board Of Directors
Dan Buckley
Vice Chair
Matt Lieber
Bradley Kronstat
Denise Sokolowski
At Large
Dan Goddard, Doug Hausladen, Denise Sokolowski, Bill Richardson, Matt Lieber
Judy Miller, Tracey Brooks
East Haven
Barbara Brow, Michael Gambardella
Pam Simonds, Bradley Kronstat, Wendy Sabol
Virginia Raff, Dan Buckley, Blythe Swift