Branford New Years Day walk on Shoreline Greenway Trail

Branford * MONDAY * January 1, 2024 * 2:00 PM Welcome the New Year with Branford’s Annual Get the Children Outside Walk, a brisk, fresh air hike past Chet’s Pond with a turn through the Branford labyrinth for good luck. We’ll end at the top of Ecology Park to enjoy the views, then have hot […]

1st Saturday event, Branford

Join us for an early fall walk and roll starting at the Shoreline Greenway Trail kiosk parking lot on Tabor Drive and continuing on the Birch Road section to Young’s Pond Park and back. We’ll pass Chet’s Pond, the Branford labyrinth, Young’s Pond and other interesting sights. The first section is ADA paved and then, […]