Incorporated 1685 / population 29089 (as of 2005), Branford is thirteen miles east of New Haven and the second town along the Shoreline Greenway trail as it makes its way to Hammonasset. The plan is for Branford to have 8.9 miles of trail designated as Shoreline Greenway.

Happenings this month

Although there are no specific events planned in Branford for August, Branford volunteers are working diligently on completing trails already in progress (e.g. Tilcon Rd.) and starting work on other sections, particularly on the Farm River section.

This fall we are planning some exciting and fun events, so stay tuned to our website for details!


On June 2 – Branford hosted the Shoreline Greenway Trail First Saturday Walk.  Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate and there were very few walkers.  Let’s hope for better weather in October when Branford will again host the Shoreline Greenway Trail First Saturday Walk.

Profile of the Month

Art Johnson was born in Branford, went to Branford schools, and has been a Branford resident virtually all of his life. Over the years Art has walked along miles and miles of shoreline trails, and Branford Walker members are used to seeing him outpace them as he slowly and steadily reaches the end of the trail well before they do. Art’s professional life of over 30 years was spent in photography and construction. A member of the Trolley Museum, the New Haven and Guilford Arts Councils, he is a life time member of the Guilford Fair, of which he was Vice President at one time. While he enjoys selling railroad antiques and camera equipment at local flea markets, the Shoreline Greenway Trail is especially fortunate that he has been an active member of our team, regularly attending our meetings on the third Wednesday of each month. Art has donated countless hours blazing trails and cutting brush in the development of the temporary trail on Branford’s Tabor property. SGT wouldn’t be able to make progress without members like Art!


Trail Information

To date the following sections of Branford’s trail has been owner approved, and much of it is open to the public, though not SGT trail ready:

  • 3600 ft – Tabor Property Drive to Pine Orchard Road
  • 2400 ft – Pine Orchard Road to Young’s Pond Park
  • 2100 ft – Young’s Pond Park to Blackstone Ave. (Rte. 146)
  • 2000 ft – 146 Totoket Rd to Tilcon Drive
  • 1000 ft – Tilcon Drive to Tilcon Parking Lot (next to RR tracks)
  • 4224 ft – Tilcon Parking Lot to Stony Creek


There are many, many important tasks associated with the Shoreline Greenway Trail, which include:

  • Building and maintaining trails
  • Raising funds
  • Increasing SGT membership
  • Publicity
  • Government Liaison
  • Fiscal work
  • Identifying and tagging trees along the trail.

If you would like to volunteer, call Cochair Judith Miller at 203-481-3870 or click the Volunteer tab of this website.

We’d love to have you on board!

Branford Team Meetings

All those who wish to promote the trail in Branford are welcome to join us at 7:00 p.m. on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Community House on the corner of Church and Prospect.

Branford Team Contact Information

Co Chairs: Chet Blomquist (203-488-5640; and Judy Miller (203-481-3870;

Trail Development: Jack Wood ( and Pete Peterson (

Web manager and publicity: Jo Zaehringer (

Grants and Project Manager: Peg Stamp (

Local Points of Interest / Other Links

Branford Hikers – Geoffrey Smith 203-215-1175;

Branford Land Trust – 26 School St., Branford 203-483-5263

James Blackstone Library – 758 Main St., Branford 203-488-1441