by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Sep 12, 2017 | Bike-Pedestrian General, Guilford
Shoreline Greenway Trail is actively working to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety and accessibility in Guilford, so we are excited to see the town moving forward on the Nut Plains Pathway, a bike and pedestrian connection between Adams Middle School and Guilford...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Jul 21, 2017 | Bike-Pedestrian General, Guilford, Partners News
The Town of Guilford painted shared-lane markings, or “sharrows,” on Whitfield Street between the town center and the harbor on Tuesday, July 18, in an effort to improve safety for bicyclists and motorists! Funding was provided by The Guilford Foundation with...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Jul 6, 2017 | Guilford, SGT Events
*********DUE TO EXPECTED MORNING THUNDERSTORMS, THE 8/5 FIRST SATURDAY WALK IN GUILFORD IS CANCELLED********** AUGUST 5th, SATURDAY, 10AM GUILFORD: Meet at the statue on the Guilford Green for the Shoreline Greenway Trail First Saturday Event. The walk...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Jan 23, 2017 | Guilford, Trail Building
The Guilford Board of Selectmen voted on Tuesday, January 17, not to support the proposed design for a three-quarter-mile section of the Shoreline Greenway Trail from the Madison line to Boston Street. The issue now rests with the town to consider alternate designs...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Nov 3, 2016 | Guilford, Madison, SGT in the Media, Trail Building
Several hundred people packed the Community Center in Guilford on Tuesday night for a spirited and civil public hearing on the proposed, ¾-mile-long Route 1 stretch of Shoreline Greenway Trail. The section would run from Boston Street to the Madison line, where it...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Oct 21, 2016 | Bike-Pedestrian General, Funding, Guilford, Partners News
A $4,000 grant from The Guilford Foundation will enable the installation of shared lane markings on Guilford’s Whitfield Street between the town center and the harbor. Twenty reflective white markings, each depicting the outline of a bicycle with an arrow pointing in...