by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Jun 30, 2016 | East Haven, Kids & Scouts, SGT Events
The East Haven School District teamed up with the East Haven Wellness Committee to hold a Kids Challenge Event on May 21st at the DC Moore trail segment of the East Haven SGT. Kids of all ages used the trail for a scavenger hunt to find things like flowers and...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Jun 29, 2016 | Guilford, Kids & Scouts, Partners News, SGT Events
Eleven children ages 4 to 8 earned “bike licenses” after receiving training in safe cycling and successfully navigating an obstacle course at a Shoreline Greenway Trail Bike Safety Rodeo in Guilford. Ten SGT volunteers led by Kristen D’Souza and two student volunteers...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Jul 1, 2015 | Kids & Scouts, Madison, Partners News, Trail Building, Volunteering
There is a new rain garden in the trailhead parking lot in Madison, and soon there will be a new Eagle Scout in Guilford. For his Eagle project Guilford Boy Scout Eric Weidman successfully sought donations of plant materials from a variety of sources. Clinton...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Jun 29, 2015 | Branford, Kids & Scouts, Volunteering
On Sunday, June 21, a day that was marred by grief over the recent massacre in Charleston perpetrated in hatred by a twisted young man, it was reassuring and inspiring to attend the Court of Honor of Eagle Scout Charles Slate of Guilford’s Scout Troop 474. The...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Jun 27, 2015 | Branford, Kids & Scouts, SGT Events
On Thursday, June 11, 2015, Leo Cristofer led a group of students from Francis Walsh Intermediate School, Team 5-6, and their teachers, Maria Fazzino and Ali Medeiros, along the Birch Road and Tabor sections of the Shoreline Greenway Trail. As in the earlier walk...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Jun 2, 2015 | Branford, Kids & Scouts, SGT Events
On Thursday, May 28th, members of the Branford section of the Shoreline Greenway Trail (SGT) led a group of fifth-graders from Francis Walsh Intermediate School along sections of the trail paralleling Birch Road, crossing Pine Orchard Road, and through the Tabor...