by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Feb 7, 2022 | Madison
On the very chilly (6-degrees with wind chill) Saturday morning of February 5th, a hardy group of about 25 eager walkers and 5 dogs assembled at Hammonasset State Park. Led along the trail by naturalist and amazing font of knowledge Ranger Russ Miller of Meigs Point...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Dec 30, 2019 | Branford, East Haven, Guilford, Madison, SGT Events
PLEASE JOIN US! Members of our four SGT Town Teams will lead our popular First Saturday monthly walks along our trail and other areas this winter/early spring season (no bike rides until Spring). Check with leaders for weather cancellations. Open...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Aug 20, 2019 | Branford, East Haven, Madison, SGT in the Media, Uncategorized
Zip06 Reader Pick for Best Place to Take a Hike We are proud to announce that the Shoreline Greenway Trail has won Zip06’s Annual BEST OF SHORELINE contest as the BEST PLACE TO TAKE A HIKE. We’d like to thank all of our supporters who voted for the Shoreline Greenway...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Aug 11, 2019 | Madison, Other Towns, Partners News, SGT Events, Uncategorized
Taking new steps in Clinton! First Saturday in September introduces walkers to Clinton’s Town Trail and Blueway which will one day connect to the Shoreline Greenway trail at the Hammonasset River in Madison. From the Clinton beach we will walk the trail through...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Jul 13, 2019 | Madison, SGT Events
First Saturday Walk August 3 @ 10am This month we will walk the Hammonasset Park’s new BURT trail out to Mieg’s Point along the water, hopefully with cooling breezes. Easy 4 miles round trip on paved pathway mostly in full sun. Those who wish may visit the...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Jun 13, 2019 | Madison, SGT Events
First Saturday Walk August 3rd in Madison To kick off the month of August we will walk Hammonasset Park’s new BURT trail! We will head out to Mieg’s Point along the water, hopefully with cooling breezes. This trail is easy, 4 miles round trip on paved pathway,...