by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Jul 6, 2015 | Branford, Volunteering
Branford is looking for a Trail Maintenance Leader (following is a job description). If you think you may be interested, please call Judy Miller at 203-481-3870 or email her at Trail Maintenance Leader: Maintain a list of members willing to work on...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Jul 1, 2015 | Kids & Scouts, Madison, Partners News, Trail Building, Volunteering
There is a new rain garden in the trailhead parking lot in Madison, and soon there will be a new Eagle Scout in Guilford. For his Eagle project Guilford Boy Scout Eric Weidman successfully sought donations of plant materials from a variety of sources. Clinton...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Jun 29, 2015 | Branford, Kids & Scouts, Volunteering
On Sunday, June 21, a day that was marred by grief over the recent massacre in Charleston perpetrated in hatred by a twisted young man, it was reassuring and inspiring to attend the Court of Honor of Eagle Scout Charles Slate of Guilford’s Scout Troop 474. The...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Apr 29, 2015 | Guilford, Volunteering
Volunteer to help anytime between 8am-2pm at the Town’s 2nd ANNUAL GUILFORD CLEAN-UP THE EARTH DAY on the Guilford Green, as members of Shoreline Greenway Trail. Please email organizer Duncan Markovich at if you can help. Thank you! Our...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Feb 18, 2015 | Guilford, Kids & Scouts, SGT Events, Volunteering
We are looking for volunteers to help organize and/or participate on event day in a Kids Bicycle Safety Rodeo for elementary age children to be held in Guilford this Spring. Rodeos are a fun way for kids to learn about bicycle safety -rules of the road and...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Jan 30, 2015 | Guilford, Kids & Scouts, Partners News, Trail Building, Volunteering
At a recent meeting at co-chair Pam Simond’s home, several new enthusiastic SGT members joined the revitalized Guilford Town Team, and volunteered to take the lead with some exciting new projects for this Spring. We hope to gain even more Guilford supporters,...