by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Dec 18, 2012 | Branford, Kids & Scouts, SGT Events, Volunteering
Incorporated 1685 / population 29089 (as of 2005), Branford is thirteen miles east of New Haven and the second town along the Shoreline Greenway trail as it makes its way to Hammonasset. The plan is for Branford to have 8.9 miles of trail designated as Shoreline...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Oct 10, 2012 | Madison, Partners News, SGT Events, Volunteering
The first annual Trailblazer ‘Run the Gauntlet’ 5k obstacle race for the benefit of Shoreline Greenway Trail was a huge success! Over 500 runners participated – young and older – running under and over and through various...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Aug 1, 2012 | Branford, Trail Building, Volunteering
Incorporated 1685 / population 29089 (as of 2005), Branford is thirteen miles east of New Haven and the second town along the Shoreline Greenway trail as it makes its way to Hammonasset. The plan is for Branford to have 8.9 miles of trail designated as Shoreline...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Jul 13, 2012 | Branford, Guilford, Trail Building, Volunteering
On a beautiful summer day in June on a promontory overlooking the Stony Creek Trolley Trail’s eastern entrance, Shoreline Greenway Trail Board members and the family and friends of Richard Tietjen Jr. gathered to celebrate his life with the dedication of our first SGT...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | May 31, 2012 | Branford, Funding, Kids & Scouts, Partners News, SGT Events, Trail Building, Volunteering
Incorporated 1685 / population 29089 (as of 2005), Branford is thirteen miles east of New Haven and the second town along the Shoreline Greenway trail as it makes its way to Hammonasset. The plan is for Branford to have 8.9 miles of trail designated as Shoreline...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | May 5, 2012 | Branford, SGT Events, Trail Building, Volunteering
Incorporated 1685 / population 29089 (as of 2005), Branford is thirteen miles east of New Haven and the second town along the Shoreline Greenway trail as it makes its way to Hammonasset. The plan is for Branford to have 8.9 miles of trail designated as Shoreline...