WOW. The weather is certainly teasing us with warm and sunny weather.

Time to think about getting the bike and yourself ready for a ride!

We also have rides scheduled for our members and users of the trail.  See the calendar for listing.

(posted with permission and a bit of editing: Little Miami Scenic Trail, Loveland Ohio, by Erich Wikum)

Safe Trails: Tune Up Your Bicycle

The Shoreline Greenway Trail is about to get a lot busier as people come out of hibernation to greet the warming temperatures. Now is an ideal time to ensure your bicycle is ready for the season. To begin, inspect the following:

  1. Wheels and tires: Spokes are connected and uniformly tensioned. Tires have remaining wear, with no visible damage to the tread or sidewalls. The tires are properly inflated.
  2. Brakes: Front and rear brakes apply smoothly and engage fully.
  3. Chain: Chain is well lubricated and shifts smoothly through all gears.
  4. Frame, fork, and seat: Bicycle overall is structurally intact with no visible cracks or rust. Parts are firmly attached to the frame.
  5. Helmet: Helmet is intact with no cosmetic or other damage. The chin strap fastens tightly. Helmet age is less than 3 (or perhaps 5) years.

Depending on your level of familiarity with bicycle maintenance, you may be able to address one or more of these items (e.g., inflating tires, changing tires and tubes, or lubing or changing the chain) yourself. Your local bike shop stands ready to conduct a tune-up and to address any specific needs.

Now’s the time. Inspect your bicycle today and be ready to enjoy the Shoreline Greenway Trail safely.