Partner News, Branford Historical Society, Oct 11th event
Please see following.
2023 Annual Meeting (date changed to) October 24th, 7PM Guilford community center and Zoom
Please join us for our 2023 Annual meeting on Oct 24th, at 7PM. This will be held at the Guilford Community Center with Hybrid Zoom link. Board Members will be ratified by you, the Members. In...
Sept 16th: Ride the 25 miles connecting sections of Shoreline Greenway Trail – East Haven to Madison
On September 16th at 9AM, join bike riders for a ride along the entire 25-mile length of the existing sections and connecting corridors of the trail from East Haven to Madison. This ride is for both...
Another Great Trolley & Trails event. It was East Haven’s turn.
Byline by Kirsten Dudley, It was a treat to hear the two key speakers at the Trolleys and Trails series event on Saturday. The Shore Line Trolley Museum's own Tom Laurenson kicked off the adventure...
Volunteer helps remove downed tree on the Hammonasset section in Madison!!
Thanks to Charlie Iselin of Iselin Tree Experts for again taking down a huge tree that fell over the trail in Madison. We have a lot of volunteers who are willing to help with trail maintenance, but...
Shoreline Greenway Trail adds new temporary Trail Census counters!!
The Shoreline Greenway Trail team has taken an impressive step by installing temporary census counters in East Haven and Branford. Sponsored by UConn’s Connecticut Trail Census program, Aaron and...
Trolley’s & Trails event in Guilford a great success
WOW! What’s better than a beautiful walk through historic Guilford? And it was a beautiful day! The Shoreline Greenway Trail "Trolleys & Trails" walk was a great time and showed us some of...
Announcing the date for our 2023 Annual Meeting!!
Please join us for our 2023 Annual meeting on Oct 17th, at 7PM. The location will be announced along with Zoom links. We be updating the membership on several initiaitves and progress in adding...
The first of the Trolley & Trails series in Branford was Excellent!!!
The first of four events in the Trolleys and Trails series cosponsored by Shoreline Greenway Trail and the Shore Line Trolley Museum, held on July 15 at the Stony Creek Trolley Trail, was a great...