The October 6, 2018 1st Saturday Family Bike Ride at Hammonasset has been rescheduled for Sunday, October 14th at 2pm.

We hope the new date and time will enable more families to join us.  All ages welcome. Helmets are required for all participants.  Please arrive ten minutes earlier to complete required waiver.

Guilford Team members will lead a bike ride on the SGT Trail section at Hammonasset to Webster Point Road and back (2.2 miles roundtrip).  There is then an option to return to the Shoreline Greenway Trail parking lot or continue with us out to Meigs Point and back (4 more miles roundtrip) along the Park’s new paved Beach Utility Recreation Trail (BURT).

Directions:  I-95 to Exit 62 in Madison, Drive south towards Route 1.  Turn Left at the light onto Route 1, do not enter the Park through the main entrance,  instead take 1st right into the Shoreline Greenway Trail Parking lot.  We will meet by the trail kiosk in the parking lot.  Bike ride will cancel if rains.  Info:  Kristen  203-623-0781