The Branford SGT team is saddened by the loss of founding member and dear friend, Art Johnson. Art was a regular at our monthly meetings, and we miss his colorful language and humorous anecdotes about his youth in Branford. He frequently joined us on our First Saturday walks as well as on the Friday morning walks with the Branford Walkers. Art would be trudging along at his own pace and often surprised the group by coming to the end of the walk ahead of us by following his own path.
Art was known especially in the Branford area for his photography, including many pictures taken along the Shoreline Greenway Trail and the Branford Trail.
Until his illness of the last few years, Art worked tirelessly on the Tabor section of the Shoreline Greenway Trail in Branford, opening up much of the beautiful section of the trail along Chet’s Pond. He usually worked alone, savoring the sights and sounds of nature while he chopped and sawed clearing a path through the tangle of autumn olives, barberry, wild rose and bittersweet that filled the property. Nothing stopped his steady progress!
Shoreline Greenway Trail will be thanking Art by placing a bench at the edge of Chet’s Pond. Any contribution made to the Shoreline Greenway Trail in his memory, will be dedicated to that memorial bench. Below is a slideshow of just a few of the walks Art participated in (complements of the Branford Walkers).