Please help to build more Shoreline Greenway Trail!

Become a member now!

Since 2002, Shoreline Greenway Trail has worked for better walking and biking to make our communities safer, healthier, and more economically vital. When finished, the trail will provide a valuable link for pedestrian and bicycle travel, for recreation, and for better commuting options within and between our towns.

Your membership will do all these things:

  • Support construction, maintenance, and organizational needs.
  • Help to leverage grants that come with a required match and access grant funds that pay in arrears.
  • Demonstrate the public support that funding sources look for before making grants.


P.S. Please join or renew your membership today! Here are 3 ways:

· Click on DONATE and use the on-line link.

· Mail your check to P. O. Box 148, Branford, CT 06405

· Bring your check to the next First Saturday Walk


Thank you!

And of course, If you’ve already contributed, THANK YOU again!!


Dan Buckley, Chair, Shoreline Greenway Trail.