Branford’s first Town Meeting held on Sunday, March 2 was a great success. Our thanks go to the Blackstone Library for hosting the event and to The Sound for its publicity. But most of all we thank those who attended. We hope that they were informed about the Shoreline Greenway Trail by our power point presentation and by the maps posted around the room. The atmosphere was informal as our guests enjoyed refreshments organized by Bimmie Herget and asked questions about the placement and design of the Trail here in Branford. Chet Blomquist added to the fun by donating some of his handcrafted walking sticks for a drawing.
In the pictures above, we have Judy Miller leading the presentation, Chet Blomquist relating Shoreline Greenway Trail history, Peg Stamp directing the presentation, Jack Wood waiting for his chance to speak about the maps and trail development and Jo Zaehringer displaying the volunteer sign-up sheets and encouraging all to sign up for something! Special thanks to those who did volunteer to help us as we move forward.
In sum, a great time was had by all and we thank everyone for their support and interest.