Families and leashed dogs welcome. Sturdy shoes, a hat, and water advisable. In case of inclement weather, visit the website for an update.
New Haven January 4, 10:00 AM
Start the new year with our newest members and explore plans for the Shoreline Greenway Trail to get from East Haven to West Haven. Meet at historic Canal Dock Boathouse, 475 Long Wharf Dr. We’ll walk south along the Vision Trail to see Long Wharf Pier, Food Truck Paradise, Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park, Long Wharf Nature Preserve, Bayview Park, and historic City Point with a stop at the Pequonnock Yacht Club to warm up. Easy terrain. Questions: 203-676-8330
Branford February 1, 10:00 AM
Come with us as we walk the Tabor section of the Shoreline Greenway Trail. On top of Ecology Park, we’ll enjoy the 360-degree views of Long Island Sound, Branford Center, and Short Beach. This is the perfect time of year for unobstructed views. Test your knowledge of our geographic area and your sense of direction! Questions: 203-589-8335
East Haven March 1, 10:00 AM
Join us for an early spring walk on Shoreline Greenway Trail extension along Coe Ave. to the picturesque, wooded trails off Elliot St. and into Farm River State Park. Approximately 4 miles round trip. Meet at East Haven town beach parking lot on Coe Ave. and Cosey Beach Ave. Questions: 203-469-9127
Guilford April 5, 10:00 AM
Shoreline Greenway Trail is hosting a scenic hike at the 600-acre Timberland Preserve. We will look and listen for amphibians and explore vernal pools. The Guilford Conservation Commission manages the preserve, which was purchased by the Town of Guilford in 1975. The golf course is within the boundaries of the preserve. Meet at the parking area entrance on Route 80 near Maple Hill Road. Questions: 203-804-9285