Trail Development and Trail Maintenance are the primary tasks of the Shoreline Greenway Trail. As such, they demand a great commitment of energy and expertise. Your help in the following areas can make our work faster and better.


Signs: working with the Trail Development Committee and the Outreach Committee, develop a consistent format, and determine best practices with regard to sign placement, height, etc. Responsibilities would include ordering signs and maintaining a supply.

Trail surface: Gather information about the various trail surfaces, compare surface options and cost analysis, and make recommendations to the Trail Development Committee.

Maps: Use your experience in Juno 3BGPS systems and/or be willing to develop expertise in order to help SGT with Trail mapping.

  • Become familiar with ARC map mapping software.
  • Use your expertise as a graphic artist to take maps generated by the system and convert them into documents accessible to the public.
  • Develop an interactive mapping system for the internet.

Develop Trail:  work with town engineers to:

  • Define trail segments and develop tracking methodology.
  • Research and develop trail building standards encompassing shoulders, substructure, crossings, grades, radius of turns.
  • Manage and track trail development activities, expenses, etc.


Trail Maintenance Director:

  • Maintain a list of members willing to work on the trail
  • Organize Trail Stewards and monitor their reports
  • Organize work parties
  • Schedule regular trail maintenance work

Trail Maintenance Team:

  • repair the trail
  • weed as necessary
  • cut and dispose of fallen branches and debris
  • rake leaves
  • clear new trail as needed

If you are interested and willing to help, please contact John Paulson at or Judith Miller at