by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Jan 30, 2015 | Guilford, Kids & Scouts, Partners News, Trail Building, Volunteering
At a recent meeting at co-chair Pam Simond’s home, several new enthusiastic SGT members joined the revitalized Guilford Town Team, and volunteered to take the lead with some exciting new projects for this Spring. We hope to gain even more Guilford supporters,...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Dec 16, 2014 | Branford, Volunteering
The Branford SGT team is saddened by the loss of founding member and dear friend, Art Johnson. Art was a regular at our monthly meetings, and we miss his colorful language and humorous anecdotes about his youth in Branford. He frequently joined us on our First...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Nov 19, 2014 | Funding, Guilford, Partners News, SGT Events, Volunteering
More than 500 visitors came to see the new Zero Energy home overlooking Leetes Island in Guilford over the 3-day Halloween weekend. The views were astounding. And, everyone wanted to know the details about saving energy from the builder, Celebration Contractors....
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Oct 26, 2014 | Branford, Volunteering
Saturday October 25 was a beautiful fall day, perfect for doing anything outside! Branford’s Trail Maintenance work party (Chet Blomquist, Tony Corso, Leo Cristofer, Jack Wood, and Steve Zaehringer and myself) were just getting started clearing the new Tabor...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Sep 22, 2014 | Madison, Partners News, Trail Building, Volunteering
Shoreline Greenway Trail and our partner Friends of Hammonasset sponsored the first of a series of horticultural workshops on Saturday, September 20. The workshop, led by Barbara Yaeger, landscape architect and horticulturist, and Michael Gaines, licensed arborist,...
by Shoreline Greenway Trail | Apr 7, 2014 | Kids & Scouts, Madison, Volunteering
Shoreline Greenway Trail Projects for Eagle Scout and Girl Scout Gold Award Seekers SGT has identified several construction and environmental projects appropriate for earning advanced scouting status. Please contact Ginny Raff for more information. • Eastern Trailhead...