On Saturday, April 5 Branford will hold its annual litter pick-up day. As is his tradition, Shoreline Greenway’s Chet Blomquist will lead a group of volunteers to clean up the Branford River area from Montowese St. to Indian Neck Ave. Anyone interested, please meet on the Branford Green at 9 a.m. Litter bags, water and snacks are provided. Rain Date – Saturday, April 12. Any questions, please call Judy Miller at 203-589-8335.
On Saturday, April 5 and Sunday, April 6, Shoreline Greenway Trail will have a table set up at Zane’ Big Wheel event on Rte. 1 in Branford (exit 55 off 95 across from Walgreen’s). We will be there from about noon to 3 p.m. so while you are looking at all the wonderful bikes that Zane’s has, please stop by our table and learn more about the SGT , the progress we are making and opportunities for helping us get to our goal – 25 miles of multi-access-friendly trail from Lighthouse Point to Hammonasset.
On Sunday, April 27 , the Branford Shoreline Greenway Trail is excited to be a sponsor of a Bicycle Rodeo. It will be held from 12 to 2 at the Branford Community House Parking Lot. This event is also sponsored by the Branford Early Childhood Coalition and the Branford Parks and Recreation Commission. The police, fire department and Zane’s Cycles will also play a role in teaching our children about bicycle safety while having fun at the rodeo!
Saturday, June 7 is Connecticut Trails Day. In celebration, the Branford Shoreline Greenway Trail will once again coordinate with East Haven Shoreline Greenway Trail and the Shoreline Trolley museum for a great, fun time including a trolley ride and a hike to the old bridge crossing on the Farm River. Festivities begin as 10 a.m..
Mark you calendars!