Dear Guilford Supporters of our Trail: We are thrilled to announce that our Guilford Team of Shoreline Greenway Trail was just awarded a CT Recreational Trails Program grant from DEEP (Department of Energy and Environmental Protection) for the full amount we requested – $269,816 – to build our very first section of trail in Guilford along Route One on the south side from the East River to Boston Street, completely off road, 8-10 feet wide – at long last! The award will cover the projected shortfall remaining after we use our Federal grant monies ($c. 630,000), for the estimated total cost of our first section of trail. This was only possible with the professional pro-bono help of Jim Portley and Mark Damiani of our Guilford Town Engineering Department, and Team member Milton Charlton who crafted the grant. They worked together these past couple years throughout the lengthy design and DOT approval process in preparation for building the long-awaited first Trail section in Guilford. (photo on left of Milton and Mark reviewing blueprints at East River, the starting site of our first trail.)
We thank our First Selectman Joseph Mazza for enabling their pro-bono work, which gave a significant financial savings to our Guilford Team.
And we thank the several Guilford residents who responded with significant donations to our recent urgent request for contributions, led by Team member Jerry Meyer. Now that we have raised the money needed for this section, we are already planning how to connect to and finance a second trail section in Guilford. WE ARE MOVING FORWARD!!
On behalf of our Guilford Planning Team, thank you for your continued belief in our vision. Chair Pam Bisbee Simonds, Milton Charlton, Chip Angle, Larry Dowler. Kimberly Schmid, Mike Meisel, Peter Hawes, Kristen D’Souza, Ted Braun, Brad Kronstat, Jerry Meyer, Chelsea Anderson